
Medicine Buddha is widely revered as the “Great Physician Buddha,” with boundless spiritual power and dignity. His compassionate heart for all living beings is like that of a parent loving their children, wishing only for their children’s peace, health, and true happiness. As such, he is held in high esteem by people from all walks of life.

Since ancient times, people have prayed for blessings and protection by worshipping Medicine Buddha. For example, emperors would pray for protection of the country and to turn disasters into blessings by worshipping and respecting the Medicine Buddha and practicing the “Medicine Buddha Sutra”. Farmers would chant the “Medicine Buddha Heart Mantra” to pray for good weather and bountiful crops. In addition, the commoners would also sincerely chant the holy name of Medicine Buddha, praying for the healing of all illnesses and suffering, and to increase blessings and longevity.

According to the “Medicine Buddha Sutra”, no matter what social class you are in, what suffering or setbacks we are trapped in, as long as we sincerely pray to Medicine Buddha, all obstacles can be resolved. Corresponding to the 12 great vows made by Medicine Buddha, we find that these vows are all-encompassing for the pain and setbacks in life. Since Medicine Buddha has such great power, how can we form a connection with him? Let us get to know Medicine Buddha and learn how to communicate with him.

Medicine Buddha’s 12 Great Vows

Medicine Buddha, also known as Medicine Guru of Lapis Lazuli Light, the Medicine Buddha of Dispelling Disaster and Prolonging Life, the Great Medicine King Buddha, the Great Healing King, and the King of the 12 Vows, is the Lord of the Eastern Pure Lapis Lazuli World.

In Tibetan Buddhism, the image of Medicine Buddha is depicted with his hair tied in a bun on top of his head, his body made of lapis lazuli, emanating a serene and peaceful blue light. His left hand holds an alms bowl of healing nectar, while his right hand holds a myrobalan plant, a symbol of healing. Medicine Buddha is said to have the power to heal all illnesses and pain in the world, bestowing upon people immense light, wisdom, blessings, and longevity.

Medicine Buddha is the buddha who especially cares about the needs of all living beings. When he began his journey to achieve enlightenment, he made twelve great vows which were made to fulfill the needs of people’s lives. He wished that once he achieved Buddhahood, as long as all living beings heard or chanted his name, all wishes would be fulfilled.

Medicine Buddha’s 12 Great Vows:

1. I vow that my body shall shine as beams of brilliant light on this infinite and boundless world, showering on all beings, getting rid of their ignorance and worries with my teachings. May all beings be like me, with a perfect status and character, upright mind and soul, and finally attaining enlightenment like the Buddha.

2. I vow that my body be like crystal, pure and flawless, radiating rays of splendid light to every corner, brightening up and enlightening all beings with wisdom. With the blessings of compassion, may all beings strengthen their spiritual power and physical energy, so that they can fulfill their dreams on the right track.

3. I vow that I shall grant by means of boundless wisdom, all beings with the inexhaustible things that they require, and relieving them from all pain and guilt resulting from materialistic desires. Although clothing, food, accommodation and transport are essential, they should be utilized wisely as well. Besides self-consumption, the remaining should be generously shared with the community so that all can live harmoniously.

4. I vow to lead those who have gone astray back to the path of righteousness. Let them be corrected and returned to the Buddha way for enlightenment.

5. I vow that I shall enable all sentient beings to observe precepts for spiritual purity and moral conduct. Should there be any relapse or violation, they shall be guided for repentance. Provided they truly regret their wrongdoings, and vow for a change with constant prayers and strong faith in the Buddha, they could receive the rays of forgiveness, recover their lost morals and purity.

6. I vow that all beings who are physically disabled or sick in all aspects be blessed with good health, both physically and mentally. All who pay homage to Buddha faithfully will be blessed.

7. I vow to relieve all pain and poverty of the very sick and poor. The sick be cured, the helpless be helped, the poor be assisted.

8. I vow to help women who are undergoing sufferings and tortures and seeking for transformation into men. By hearing my name, paying homage and praying, their wishes will be granted and they will ultimately attain Buddhahood.

9. I vow to free all beings from evil thoughts and their control. I shall lead them onto the path of light through inculcating them with righteousness and honor so that they will walk the Buddha way.

10. I vow to save prisoners who have genuinely repented and victims of natural disasters. Those who are sincere will be blessed by my supreme powers and be freed from sufferings.

11. I vow to save those who suffer from starvation and those who commit crimes to obtain food. If they hear my name and faithfully cherish it, I shall lead them to the advantages of dharma and favor them with the best food and eventually lead them to a tranquil and happy life.

12. I vow to save those who suffer from poverty, tormented by mosquitoes and wasps day and night. If they come across my name, cherish it with sincerity and practice dharma to strengthen their merits, they will be able to achieve their wishes.

Medicine Buddha’s “Lapis Lazuli Light”

Medicine Buddha is also known as “The Medicine Guru of Lapis Lazuli Light”, symbolizing Medicine Buddha’s great vows. Chanting this title allows one to see the real presence of Medicine Buddha, form a connection with him, and receive his blessings.

According to “The Sutra of the Merit and Virtue of the Past Vows of Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata”, Sakyamuni Buddha referred to Medicine Buddha by the title of “The Medicine Guru of Lapis Lazuli Light.” This name also corresponds to his second vow, that his body is like lapis lazuli, completely pure and flawless. Medicine Buddha’s lapis lazuli body radiates rays of splendid light to every corner and dispels all darkness. The word “Tathagata” refers to the being who has come into this world to teach and enlighten sentient beings through the path of truth.

The Three Sages from the East

In many depictions of Buddha in paintings or statues, there are two bodhisattvas as attendants by his side to assist in spreading dharma and saving sentient beings. Medicine Buddha is often seen with Suryaprabha Bodhisattva, also called the Sunlight Bodhisattva, on his left and Candraprabha Bodhisattva, also called the Moonlight Bodhisattva, on his right. What is the story behind “The Three Sages from the East”?

According to legend, during the time of Dipankara Buddha, there was a Brahmin and his two sons who developed bodhicitta. The Brahmin vowed to save all suffering beings, while his two sons vowed to serve their enlightened father. Dipankara Buddha was very impressed with their compassionate intentions and renamed the Brahmin “Medicine King” and his two sons “Sunlight” and “Moonlight”. The Brahmin later became Medicine Buddha, and his two sons became Suryaprabha (sunlight) Bodhisattva and Candraprabha (moonlight) Bodhisattva. Together, the three are referred to as “The Three Sages from the East” or the “Three Masters of Medicine Buddha” (Note 1).

The Benefits of Chanting “The Medicine Buddha Heart Mantra”

“The Medicine Buddha Mantra” (Note 2) is also known as “The Medicine Buddha Empowerment Mantra” and divided into two versions: the full mantra (also known as the long mantra) and the heart mantra (also known as the short mantra). The full mantra is the “Great Dharani” mentioned by the Buddha in the “Medicine Buddha Sutra” transliterated from Sanskrit to Chinese; The heart mantra is the version chanted by Grandmaster JinBodhi (Tayata Om Bekanze Bekanze Maha Bekanze Radza Samudgate Soha).

“The Medicine Buddha Heart Mantra” contains the great compassion, wisdom, illumination, and the perfect and infinite energy of Medicine Buddha. Chanting this mantra daily with utmost sincerity brings immeasurable blessings of health and auspiciousness.

Sharing of the Miraculous Effects of “The Medicine Buddha Heart Mantra”

Participant A: Xue Min | Singapore

For the past nine years, I experienced sudden pain in my arm from my wrist to my shoulder every night. When I woke up in the morning, both my arms were swollen and painful to the point where I could not touch anything. Later, through a friend’s recommendation, I began chanting “The Medicine Buddha Heart Mantra” recited by Grandmaster JinBodhi. I chanted for at least one hour every day. After three days, the strange pain that had plagued me for nine years unexpectedly disappeared without even realizing it.

Participant B: Liao Jiazhen | Malaysia

From a young age, my daughter used to be very afraid of strangers and even refused to go near her grandparents. She also cried a lot and was very attached to me. One day, while I was chanting “The Medicine Buddha Heart Mantra”, I was suddenly inspired to teach my three-year-old daughter to chant with me. From that moment on, she became braver and livelier, no longer afraid of strangers. When she started kindergarten at four years old, she didn’t cry like other children; it was so amazing!

The Mantra that Connects to Medicine Buddha

The founder of Bodhi Meditation, Grandmaster JinBodhi, has vowed to make the 12 great vows of Medicine Buddha come true. To help people establish a quick connection with Medicine Buddha, he has recorded his own recitation of the “Medicine Buddha Heart Mantra”, leading the public to chant, connect with Medicine Buddha, and obtain auspicious energy from the Universe.

Chant the “Medicine Buddha Heart Mantra” with Grandmaster JinBodhi:

Tayata Om

Bekanze Bekanze

Maha Bekanze

Radza Samudgate Soha

How powerful and miraculous is the “Medicine Buddha Heart Mantra” recited by Grandmaster JinBodhi? Previously, in Taiwan, an old man had a grandson who would often cry at night, keeping the family awake. One day, the old man had a sudden idea to play the “Medicine Buddha Heart Mantra” chanted by Grandmaster JinBodhi for his grandson. After listening for 20 minutes, his grandson stopped crying. From then on, the old man played the recording for his grandson every day, and his grandson never cried at night again. In addition, there have been farmers who played the “Medicine Buddha Heart Mantra” in their rice fields, and as a result, the rice managed to grow well.

“The Medicine Buddha Heart Mantra” has unbelievable power. As such, when you feel the need for help or are afraid and anxious, you can chant the mantra. Even just listening to it can produce amazing effects.

Further Reading:

Note 1: The Three Sages from the East

Note 2: Medicine Buddha Mantra (Dharani Version)

Namo bhagavate bhaisajyaguru-vaidurya prabha-rajaya tathagataya arhate samyak- sambuddhaya tadyatha. Om bhaisajye bhaisajye bhaisajya-samudgate svaha!

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