
Everyone knows about The Six-Syllable Mantra. Although it is a short six-character mantra and easy to recite, the hidden power it contains is endless. So, what are the significant effects and benefits of reciting The Six-Syllable Mantra? How do we accumulate merits and virtues through reciting it? Let us learn The Six-Syllable Mantra, deeply understand its effects, and attain the merits and benefits of chanting it. Our bodies and minds shall radiate light from the inside out.

What is The Six-Syllable Mantra?

An overview of the significance of The Six-Syllable Mantra:

The Six-Syllable Mantra, also known as “Six-Syllable Truth” and “Six-Syllable Dharani,” came from The Buddha Speaks Mahayana Sublime Treasure King Sutra. In the sutra, Buddha states, “Such Six-Syllable Dharani is the essential heart Dharani of Guanyin Bodhisattva. If such essential heart Dharani is acknowledged, one should achieve liberation.” That is to say, The Six-Syllable Mantra is the fundamental heart mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva; one can achieve liberation if they grasp the essence of the mantra. However, obtaining this mantra was not easy. According to the aforementioned sutra, although the Buddha traveled all over the world and made offerings to countless Tathagatas, he had not heard this mantra yet. Until the Tathagata on Lotus traveled through countless worlds, made offerings to the immeasurable Tathagatas, and finally met Amitabha Buddha in the Western Paradise. Amitabha Buddha asked Guanyin Bodhisattva to teach this heart mantra to the Tathagata on Lotus. Then, Sakyamuni Buddha also traveled around the world, made offerings to countless Tathagatas, and finally obtained The Six-Syllable Mantra from the Tathagata on Lotus. Thus, this mantra could be widely spread and recited.

What Are The Functions of The Six-Syllable Mantra?

Chanting this mantra brings immense good to us and the world.

The six characters of The Six-Syllable Mantra are pronounced “om,” “ma,” “ni,” “pad,” “me,” “hum” respectively. Grandmaster JinBodhi has said that the six syllables are six mantras that radiate illumination. If we visualize our whole body illuminated when reciting the mantra, not only will we make no mistake, but we’ll also achieve better effects. For example, the illumination of the head represents wisdom; the illumination of the heart represents kindness and compassion; the illumination of the reproductive organs represents morality, diligence, and the absence of greed. The illumination is extended to the limbs, so that the whole body emits brightness from the inside out; the body is transparent and unstained like glass, radiating the illumination to the whole world and bringing immense goodness to people around the world.

What Are The Effects? The Four Types Of Merits And Benefits Of Reciting The Six-Syllable Mantra:


In The Buddha Speaks Mahayana Sublime Treasure King Sutra, Buddha explained the immeasurable merits of this mantra using nine metaphors. For example, even if you could count the number of dust particles in the world, all the grains of sand in the ocean, and the number of water droplets in the constantly flowing rivers, you could not calculate the infinite merits obtained by reciting The Six-Syllable Mantra just once. Sincere recitation brings immeasurable merits and benefits. The following summarizes the four types of meritorious benefits most closely related to the needs of the general public:

Merit 1: Gain Illumination Of Body And Mind, Eliminate Pain, And Increase Wisdom

The Six-Syllable Mantra consists of six mantras with illumination. Reciting it sincerely can fill the body and mind with light and remove any pollution and attachment, thereby eliminating diseases and troubles and fostering health and happiness. It also helps to develop brain potential and increase wisdom.

Merit 2: Gain The Protection Of Guanyin Bodhisattva To Ward Off Evil, Eliminate Calamities And Turn Misfortunes Into Auspiciousness

Reciting The Six-Syllable Mantra with utmost sincerity and reverence can quickly connect one to the auspicious energy of Guanyin Bodhisattva, bring about blessings and protection, and guard against all interference from ghosts, demons, and various unexpected disasters.

Merit 3: Accumulate Merits And Virtues, Eliminate Karmic Obstacles, And Improve Interpersonal Relationships.

Properly practicing The Six-Syllable Mantra can quickly eliminate generations of bad karma, increase merits and virtues, reduce obstacles, build good connections, and improve interpersonal relationships.

Merit 4: Enhance Compassion, Elevate Your State Of Mind, And Become One With The Universe.

Chanting with a compassionate and beautiful mind can make us one with the mantra. First, the chanter’s body and mind are illuminated; then, the whole world is illuminated, which can increase one’s compassion and form an enormous compassionate field resonating with all things in the Universe. The result is a united state of Heaven, Earth and human.

Sharing Inspirational Stories Of Chanting The Six-Syllable Mantra With Grandmaster Jinbodhi

Inspirational Story 1: No Trace Of Childhood Scars

Lihong Ren, Toronto, Canada

I had a scar on my left leg from when I was accidentally cut with a sickle. I got that scar when I was about 10 years old. The wound was deep and bled a lot. After participating in “The Six-Syllable Mantra Bodhisattva Class” led by Grandmaster JinBodhi and chanting with Grandmaster every day, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the scar that had been around for decades had disappeared! It is amazing!

Inspirational Story 2: Chanting Makes The Whole Body Transparent And Bright

Tian-Du, Vancouver, Canada

Over the last few days, I’ve been chanting The Six-Syllable Mantra with Grandmaster JinBodhi in “The Six-Syllable Mantra Bodhisattva Class.” I could feel the strong energy. As I was chanting, I seemed to “see” my body transparent and radiating brightness. After the chanting, my whole body continued to sweat. Yesterday, I cut my finger; normally, it would take several days for the wound to heal. However, after chanting The Six-Syllable Mantra today, the wound healed. It was amazing! Master, thank you so much!

Join The Bodhi Meditation Chanting Class. Grandmaster Jinbodhi Will Bring You A Better Understanding Of Buddhism.

Through sincerely chanting The Six-Syllable Mantra, you can quickly communicate with Guanyin Bodhisattva and obtain her compassionate blessing and protection, and you can purify your body and mind, sleep well at night, increase wisdom, eliminate disasters, prolong life, and turn misfortunes into auspiciousness.

If you are new to Buddhism and don’t know where to start or how to recite mantras, you are welcome to join the Bodhi Meditation Chanting Class. Just follow the guidance of Grandmaster JinBodhi to learn how to chant and pronounce The Six-Syllable Mantra correctly, and how to visualize while chanting. This way, you can achieve the most significant effects of chanting: Eliminate disasters, improve physical and mental health, and gain happiness for yourself and your loved ones.